
Jerome Stueart:


Portraits on Commission

The Whimsical Jambearee, my Substack.

I have a Substack, The Whimisical JamBearee, where I put all my latest art and writing, and keep in touch with people. Monthly, it’s free! But if you want daily pics and surprises, it’s only $7.

Follow along with me at my Patreon! For $1 you get to have pitcures sent to your inbox, and higher levels have more perks. Find me at

Prints, merch, and other items are also available at Redbubble, using some of these designs. Follow this link to my redbubble site.

My blog, Bear Witness, and other information about me can be found at

I am open to portrait and painting commissions. I live in the Dayton, OH area. Please contact me with your questions or commissions or purchase requests.


(614) 290-0805