The Autumn Woods

October 2021

The Autumn Woods

(October 2021)

Jenn Reese and Deva Fagan created the October Art
Challenge #Autumn Woods, giving us a prompt list of
woodland creatures. Many of us participated in the
challenge. It was to keep us drawing through the
pandemic; it was meant to be light and fun. Lots of my
friends participated, and people I got to know through their art. It was awesome.

I decided to put a twist on my animals, by making them have D&D character designations. And then, about prompt 5, a story started forming about a group of orcs traveling through the Autumn Woods and making all those animals anxious. They would fight to protect the Autumn Woods. I created a story to go with the pictures every day, till there were 32 flash fiction pieces—little chapters. Below, you’ll only find the pictures. Not enough room for the story. But I hope one day to make them into a book. You can read part of them, and follow other art that I do, on Instagram @jeromestueart.

ALL PAINTINGS ARE $150 + shipping and handling, marked or not, unless they are SOLD.

The Original Prompt list from Jenn Reese and Deva Fagan.

My final extra image

Finishing the story off with a bang.

November 1: Undead Orc Army, 11 x 14, watercolor, pen and ink on cold press paper. $200.


Main Portfolio


The New Yorker "Auditions"