Courtship in the Garden
Courtship in the Garden
What kinds of courtship rituals do fairies, satyrs, minotaurs, mermaids have in the garden? How do they comment on our own courtship rituals? Humans have amazingly coded rituals for flirting, courting, hooking-up, asking someone to marry you. Some of us missed the memo. We don’t always understand the rituals or codes. Or we are using culturally different codes—and have cross-cultural mishaps. This series is about the rituals, the ways we find time to be the ones we love, the ways we try to say we love.
Come join us!

June 1: Will Ye Go, Laddie, Go? (Wild Mountain Thyme), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 2: Count the Bubbles, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink, liquid paper on postcard. **SOLD**

June 3: Wishing on the Last Sliver of Moon, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 4: When You Stop Mixing at the Mixer, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 5: Smitten Satyrs, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 6: Minotaurs Lock Horns on a First Date, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 7: Sixteen Seconds is Pretty Good, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 8: When He So Obviously Cheats at Circle of Stones, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 9: Show Your Moves at the Apple Blossom Festival Dance, 11 x 15, watercolor, pen and ink on cold press paper. $175

June 10: The 12 Labors of Love, watercolor pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 11: The Tea of the Beloved, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 12: The First Labor is Self-Work, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 12, Afternoon. Self-Work is Bravery. Watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 13: Meeting the Shadow, 2nd Labor. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 13, Afternoon: Chatting with the Shadow. 4 x 6 Watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 13, Eve: The Shadow has Gifts, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 14: Create Something For the Beloved, 3rd Labor. 4 x 6, watercolor pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 15: Create Something for Yourself, the 4th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 16: Find Wonder and Awe, the 5th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 17: Find Someone to Mentor, the 6th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 18: Make a New Friend, the 7th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 19: Last Flight, the 8th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 20: Rave with the Firefly Fae, the 9th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 21a: Collect Advice on Love--Affection, say Foxes, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 21b: Care for the Flock, say the Ducks-- 10th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard $70.

June 21c: Have Fun, Say the Satyrs (10th Labor of Love group), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 21d: Share Your Nuts, Say the Squirrels (10th Labor of Love group), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 21e: Communicate! says the Minotaur, (10th Labor of Love group), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 22: Find and Dig Up Any Gemstone, 11th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 23: Be Yourself, the 12th Labor of Love, 4 x 6, watercolor pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 24 a: Home is the Lover, Home from the Quest, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 24 b: What I Can See Now, 4 x6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 24 c: Let Me See Everything, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 24 d: Certificates of Learning, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 25: The Long View on Long Distance Relationships, (after George Frederic Watts), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

June 26: The Fairy Masquerade, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 27: When It's Easy, It's Magic, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

June 28: Stones and Blossoms, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

June 29: The Feast of Good Souls, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

The Handfasting, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on paper. $70