Birds and Fairies, April 2021
Birds and Fairies
I used to birdwatch as a kid around our neighborhood, writing down every bird I saw, where I saw it, and what it was doing. I loved watching them. I’ve already done a few larger paintings of birds and fairies interacting—and they have a tolerance for each other that I find adorable. I hope you will too.
These are 34 paintings for April of 2021—30 daily paintings, 4 large paintings. The more I paint these fairies, the more I understand them and what they are like…and I hope you find them joyful and playful and happy like I do. Let me know if you want to buy originals. I do not have them on Etsy yet, so currently this is where they are. When I get a bit more money, I will set this up to be a marketplace for them. Thank you for your patience and your encouragement!

April 1: The Real Need for Air Traffic Control in a Fairy Garden, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink. $70

April 2: Singing the Sun to Sleep, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink. **SOLD**

April 4: A Good--Safe--Dismount is an Important Part of Carry-a-Fairy Races, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 3: Flying Off with the Berries, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 5: "You Sure You Don't Want Us to Paint them?" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 6: We Learned Stealth and Strategy from the Ravens, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 7: Les Amoreux du Jardin (after Marc Chagall), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

April 8: Surprise Duck, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 9: The Singing Lesson, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. ***SOLD***.

April 11: After the Folding, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

April 10: Watchful Waxwings, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 12: CIty of Birds and Fairies, 4 x 6 markers, pen and ink on postcard. $70

April 12, Afternoon: Birdy That Walk, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink, liquid paper on postcard. ***SOLD***.

April 13: Try the Nectar, the Hummingbirds said, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink. $70

EXTRA: Hippogriff Dreams (not technically part of the series, but similar enough), 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**.

April 14: (Very) High Tea, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard, **SOLD**.

April 15: Pardon Us, Coming Through, 4 x 6 watercolor, pen and ink, liquid paper on postcard. **SOLD**

April 16: Oriole Couple's Counseling is Never Easy, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink, liquid paper on postcard. $70.

April 17: The Story of a Key, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink, liquid paper on postcard. **SOLD**

April 18: What Others See as Chaos is Freedom, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 19: if you need us, we're here, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 20: Planting Seeds Today for Joy Tomorrow, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 21: The Blueberry Dance, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 22: Sometimes to fly you need a good running start, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 23: Seek a Higher Perspective, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 24: The Vigil, 4 x 6, graphite on postcard. $70.

April 25: Small Waterfalls Are Enough, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

April 26: Hey, I Know Why They're Called Starlings! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**.

April 27: Dreams of Flight, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

April 28: We Made Bread! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**.

April 29: Reed Catapults, Of Course, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

April 30: Come Join #TeamGrosbeak! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.