Cats and Fairies, March 2021
Cats and Fairies
In October of 2020, my roommates adopted two kittens and they became a huge part of our lives. I had been working on my Gardens of Mythbegotten series, but painting with two kittens proved to be harder to do, especially once they started roaming the house…looking for things to knock over! So I stopped production.
Then in March, I challenged myself to paint a postcard a day, to get back into painting—and I chose to make these postcards about my fairies who adopt two kittens…and what that might be like for them. I also wanted to play with different art styles—so you’ll see a lot of experimentation going on. I also sold the postcards for a very affordable price during that month, and was able to pay bills. So, small 4 x 6 postcards from Strathmore + Winsor & Newton watercolors, Blick markers, Faber Castell pens, and the occasional whiteout can be good for your soul. Below you can see what I’ve done so far—(March 23).

March 1: "We've got you now!", 4 x 6, pen and ink on Strathmore postcard (all postcards here are Strathmore). **SOLD**

March 2: "You're too close, Rivid! Pull back!" 4 x 6, watercolor on postcard, pen and ink. **SOLD**

March 3: Two Kittens Carried Off to the Fairy Gardens, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 4: "I said bring me the small ones!" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 5: "I'd heard that kittens were entertaining to have around", 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 6: "Zephel, read to them 'The Rules for Cats' again!" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 6, Afternoon: Rule 1: No jumping up and Swatting Fairies, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 7: Night in the Fairy Garden, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 8: How the Fairies Fought and Fought the Cat, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 9: Cat Rides in the Fairy Garden, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 10: Gently, Gently, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 11: "How are they THIS good at Hide-N-Seek?" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

EXTRA: Championship Beetle Lifting, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

EXTRA: Irish Fairy, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 12: The Empress, or "She just wants to be worshipped, guys!" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 12, Afternoon: "But I'm not Dirty!" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

ExTRA: Walking the Cats Around Mermaid Lake. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.

March 13: "You will love the water!" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard, $70.

March 14: Not Everything is For Us, but can still be Beautiful. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard **SOLD**

March 15: They're Deceptively Adorable. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard **SOLD**

March 16: What Has She Done Now? 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard $70

March 17: Aerial Attack! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

March 18: Sometimes kittens will adopt a plush toy to carry around. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard, **SOLD**

March 19: Waiting for the Rain to End. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 20: Just Look at that night! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 21: Playing Keep Away from the Kittens. 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 22: Rescue! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard, **SOLD**

March 23: The Majesty and Glory of Cats, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 24: Spring! Spring! Spring! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 25: The Nightwatch. 4 x 6 watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. **SOLD**

March 26: Whoa, Cats! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

March 26: Whoa, Cats! (REMIX) watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

March 27: Walnutball--Fairies vs. Cats! 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70

March 28: Fairy Garden Karaoke, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink. $70

March 29: The Moon in the Cherry Blossoms, 4 x 6, Watercolor, Pen and ink. **SOLD**

March 30: "Are they still watching?" 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink. $70.

March 31: Paint What You See, 4 x 6, watercolor, pen and ink on postcard. $70.